How Does Ventilation Affect Temperature?

How Does Ventilation Affect Temperature?

Keeping your home comfortable takes more than just your HVAC system. The amount of air that’s able to pass through your home can also have an effect on indoor temperatures. Most modern homes are designed to be as air-tight as possible, making proper ventilation a challenge. Read on to learn how poor air flow impacts indoor temperatures, as well as ways to make your home more comfortable.

Poor Air Flow Leads to Stuffy Rooms

Stuffy air is one of the most common complaints among homeowners. High humidity levels in poorly ventilated spaces can also raise indoor temperatures, which in turn allows the air to hold more humidity until simply becomes too saturated to hold moisture in vapor form. These issues contribute to a feeling of stuffiness from most people. High concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) can also make the air feel stuffier.

A home with good ventilation is able to push out hot, humid air and draw in cooler air with less moisture content. When your home’s not able to do that, the stagnant air simply collects more moisture, causing your improperly ventilated spaces to become progressively stuffier as time goes on.

Tips for Improving Air Flow

Here are a few ways you can improve your home’s air flow issues and bring temperatures back down to normal:

Open up windows and doors to improve air flow.

Cracking open a nearby door or window can help push hot, humid air out of a room and encourage cooler breezes to flow through. Good air flow also helps eliminate severe dust and debris buildup.

Use existing exhaust fans to promote better air flow.

Bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans can draw away stuffy air and promote improved air flow.

Invest in balanced mechanical ventilation.

These systems provide both indoor exhaust and outdoor supply air flow, providing balanced ventilation that keeps indoor temperatures at comfortable levels throughout the year.

To learn more about how ventilation affects your home, turn to the experts at Air Assurance. Contact us today to explore heating and cooling options for your home.

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