
What Is Involved in a Traditional Furnace Inspection?

If you haven't scheduled your annual furnace inspection yet, it's important to do it soon. Before you start using the unit for the season, you need to ensure that it's working properly and not wasting energy. What's involved in the process? Read on to learn what to expect from your inspection.

  • Component inspection. Your HVAC technician will look at the furnace unit's internal components, such as the fan belt, blower motor, burner, and heat exchanger, as well as the wiring. Are all the parts working properly? They'll oil the moving parts and check for damage and signs of wear throughout. If there are any issues, they can repair or replace the part now rather than waiting until it fails and causes bigger problems.

  • Thermostat calibration. Sometimes the temperature on your thermostat doesn't match the actual temperature of your house. Your technician will run a test to make sure the readings are accurate, then calibrate the temperature settings to maximize both comfort and efficiency. They'll also check the thermostat's batteries and internal workings to ensure it runs properly.

  • Airflow. Are there blockages in your vents? Do your ducts leak? Does your air filter need replacing? There are a variety of factors that can affect your system's airflow. As part of the furnace inspection, your HVAC technician will check to make sure the air from your furnace is actually reaching your home. You can also schedule a home energy audit in addition to your regular furnace inspection to find air leaks in your home.

  • Gas. For gas furnaces, your technician will need to check the fuel line. Carbon monoxide leaks are dangerous (even lethal), so it's important to see that all the gas goes where it's supposed to. They'll test the gas pressure to ensure you're getting the right amount and check the thermocouple to ensure all the gas is getting burned, rather than building up or leaking. If you have an older furnace, they'll also check the pilot light, and for modern units, they'll check the ignition.

To schedule a quality furnace inspection for your home, contact us at Air Assurance. We keep Broken Arrow HVAC systems running at peak efficiency.