If You're Buying a New Furnace, Do Your Prep Work First
Even though buying a new furnace can be a daunting expense, the improved efficiency of modern furnaces can save homeowners considerably on their heating bills. In our area, where winter temperatures may be quite cold, it won't take too many years to recoup the initial outlay for a more efficient furnace. Following are some pointers to help guide you while you are hunting for a new furnace.
Why Size Is Important
Getting a furnace that is bigger than you need might sound like a good idea, in terms of really warming your home quickly. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. A furnace that is sized too large will short cycle, turning on and off too frequently, never really heating the entire home and causing extra wear and tear on the furnace. On the other hand, a furnace that is too small to heat your home adequately will have to run all the time and will cost you a lot in utility bills. Make sure your contractor uses the standard HVAC software, Manual J, to size your furnace correctly.
Understand the Importance of AFUE
You need to know how quickly your new furnace converts fuel to heating energy. So, look for the annual fuel utilization efficiency number, which is reflected in a percentage. It tells you how much of the energy that the furnace uses converts to heating for your home.Federal regulations require that all furnaces have an AFUE of at least 78 percent. A higher AFUE gives your furnace a higher efficiency rating.
Choose Features You Need
Choose a furnace that has features you need. For example, a furnace with an ignition system might be ideal because its intermittent direct spark helps increase efficiency. It also improves the AFUE rating. Also, an air filtration system might be helpful if you have asthma or lung disease because it reduces the dust particles in the system.
Call us at Air Assurance if you're buying a new furnace. With more than 25 years serving the Broken Arrow and Tulsa area, we can help you keep your home comfortable this winter.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Stokkete/Shutterstock”