
Ways to Avoid Frozen Pipes in Your Home This Winter

One of the most daunting aspects of winter is an ice storm, when trees freeze and limbs fall on power lines — or when power lines are weighed down by ice to the point of breaking. Homeowners are then confronted with a period — usually from a few hours to perhaps even days — of no power. The greatest concern, aside from the discomfort of living in the cold, is the possibility of frozen pipes.

Did you know that you don't have to have a power outage to be concerned with frozen pipes? They may occur whenever the temperature plunges to 32 degrees (or lower) and unprotected pipes freeze overnight. While pipes may thaw with no problem, it's also possible the frozen water will expand inside the pipes and cause them to burst. That can be an expensive repair.

Here are some tips to prevent frozen pipes the next time temperatures plunge:

  1. Keep your thermostat set at 55 degrees or higher whenever temperatures outdoors are at freezing or below.

  2. Water moving in your pipes will keep them from freezing, so turn water into a trickle in the faucet that's farthest from the main valve. Keep cold water flowing through faucets so they won't freeze.

  3. Pipes in unheated areas of the home may freeze, so wrap pipes in the garage, attic, or basement with insulation or heat tape.

  4. Open cabinets with pipes if they are located on an exterior wall. This will allow heat to circulate in them. In some cases, it may be wise to heat cabinet spaces with a space heater.

  5. Drain outdoor faucets and protect them with a cover. Drain hoses and put them away.

  6. Close valves inside the house that supply outdoor hose bibs. Open outside bibs so that water can drain, then keep it open so any water that's still in the pipe can expand without the pipe breaking.

If you turn on a faucet and nothing comes out, the pipe is likely frozen. Turn off the water at the main valve so it doesn't flood the home when the pipe thaws.

For more on frozen pipes, contact Air Assurance of Broken Arrow.