furnace repair tulsa

Service & Maintenance

Winter HVAC Troubleshooting Tips for Your Unit

furnace not working in tulsa

furnace not heating - tulsa ok

Your HVAC system helps your Broken Arrow home stay warm and cozy all through the winter. When problems with your HVAC system occur, you could end up without heat. Doing some winter HVAC troubleshooting can help you figure out what’s wrong and get your heat working again. In some cases, though, you’ll need to rely on HVAC technicians to handle repairs. These are some of the more common issues HVAC systems can have during winter that can benefit from winter HVAC troubleshooting.

Uneven Heating

When some areas or rooms in your home feel colder than others, you might have an air leak or a problem with the blower motor. If the blower motor isn’t working properly, this can result in uneven heating in your home. Air leaks around windows and doors can allow outdoor air inside, making certain rooms feel colder. A clogged or dirty HVAC filter can also lead to uneven heating. You can seal gaps around doors and windows to stop air leaks and replace your HVAC filter with a clean one. HVAC technicians can repair the blower motor if needed.

Unlit Pilot Light

If your gas or propane furnace isn’t turning on, check the pilot light. The flame sensor on your furnace might be damaged or dirty, which can cause the pilot light to go out or not ignite when your heating system turns on. HVAC technicians can clean or replace the flame sensor as needed in order to get your pilot light working again.

Frozen Coils and Pipes

Bitterly cold temperatures can cause water to freeze inside coils and pipes, which can prevent your heating system from working. If you think you have frozen water in your pipes or coils, turn your water off and have professional HVAC repairs done. Turning off your water can help reduce the risk of having frozen pipes or coils burst, which causes an even bigger (and messier) problem. These are all winter HVAC troubleshooting moves that can come in very handy.

If you need help with winter HVAC troubleshooting, please contact Air Assurance. We can make HVAC repairs if needed in order to keep your Broken Arrow home warm.


Furnace Replacement In Your Future? Right Sizing Is Crucial

Furnace Replacement In Your Future? Right Sizing Is Crucial

Furnace Installation & Replacement Tulsa

A furnace replacement may be one of the more challenging decisions you make as a homeowner, since these systems are complex and involve a number of factors. The right size is critical, not just for energy efficiency, but also for your comfort and the longevity of the system.Before homes were as air tight and energy efficient as they now are, larger equipment was needed to adequately compensate for lower insulation levels and more air infiltration. If you live in an older home and have made any improvements to either the insulation and plugged the air leaks, chances are you need a smaller system than you now have.HVAC contractors use a tool called Manual J to pinpoint the size that you need. This system was developed decades ago and it factors many aspects of your home, including:

  • Cubic footage you need to heat;

  • Layout of your home;

  • Number of windows, their efficiency and exposure to the sun;

  • Insulation levels in the attic and walls;

  • Air infiltration rates;

  • Heat-producing appliances under roof;

  • Outdoor landscaping characteristics;

  • Preferred indoor temperatures; and

  • Age and number of household members.

Once the HVAC contractor finishes the analysis and knows the BTUs you need, he moves onto evaluating your current ductwork, using Manual D.Knowing the precise size you need not only saves you money initially for a furnace replacement, it also saves money over the life of the equipment. When furnaces are too large, they short cycle, which means they turn on and off more frequently. Short cycling increases your energy costs because the more the furnace runs, the more fuel it uses, and a portion of it goes up the flue, which is wasted. Running frequently also increases the wear and tear on all the components inside the system. Your comfort also suffers, since rooms may not thoroughly warm enough.If you'd like more information about furnace replacement, contact Air Assurance. We've provided HVAC services for the Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock