green technology

HVAC System

What Are the Expected HVAC Trends in 2021?

Each year, advancements in technology and the demand for certain features play a role in HVAC trends. What are some of the 2021 HVAC trends you can expect to see in the new year? These are just a few of the trends that you might want to look into for your Broken Arrow home.

Green Heating and Cooling

Trends in the HVAC industry generally include improved ways to make homes more efficient and eco-friendly. The trends that are expected for the upcoming year include heating and cooling systems that use cleaner sources of power, such as geothermal energy, rather than gas and other fossil fuels. As more and more homeowners explore these kinds of options for their HVAC needs, the demand for green heating and cooling systems and equipment should increase. This typically leads to improvements in eco-friendly HVAC systems that help cut down on energy usage and heating and cooling bills.

Smart HVAC Features

More homeowners are making the switch to using smart technology for a convenient and quick way to adjust temperature settings in their home. Smart thermostats and similar kinds of HVAC technology — such as adjusting settings when you're not home — make it possible for homeowners to cool and heat their home more efficiently.

Improved Air Quality

The pandemic has led to a greater focus on boosting indoor air quality (IAQ) in homes for health purposes. Homeowners have been showing an increased interest in being able to measure the IAQ in their home and find effective ways to improve it. Apps for IAQ measurement are among the 2021 HVAC trends that should be showing up in the new year. These apps offer a convenient way for homeowners to determine if they need to make changes to boost their IAQ and lower the risk of illness, such as having an air-purification system or a whole-house humidifier installed.

If you need more information on 2021 HVAC trends, contact Air Assurance. We can help you update the HVAC system in your Broken Arrow home as needed for efficient heating and cooling.

Energy Savings

10 Steps to a Green Home

The effort to build and live green is not going away. In fact, energy efficiency will just continue to be more important as we move away from fossil fuels and find alternative, more efficient energy sources. But right now, there's a lot you can do to have a green home. Have a look at some of these tips and adapt them in your dwelling space.

1. Change the air filter frequently. A dirty air filter makes your HVAC system work harder. Change the filter as often as is needed.

2. Switch to a permanent, washable air filter. This eliminates having to dispose of filters, which end up in the landfill. Make sure you clean it so it works properly.

3. Seal air leaks. You'll get greater energy efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint by sealing air leaks around plumbing, light switches, baseboards, doors and windows.

4. Use a programmable or Wi-fi thermostat. Set your schedule to reduce power use during the day when everyone's gone and at night when they are asleep. Stick to the schedule.

5. Reduce humidity in the home in summer. A humid home can make you feel warm so you use more energy to cool. Fix plumbing leaks, reduce shower times, and install exhaust ventilation to reduce relative humidity.

6. Look into solar solutions. Look into installing energy-efficient solar lights and other solar solutions around the home to reduce energy use. You may even want to install solar batteries for all your energy use.

7. Fix air duct leaks. If your air ducts are leaking, you're losing conditioned air. Have them checked out during HVAC maintenance.

8. Install efficient windows. Install double pane, efficient windows recommended by Energy Star to reduce solar radiation in the home, and to keep cold winds out.

9. Install window tinting. This can help reduce solar radiation in the home.

10. Install Energy Star appliances. As your older appliances wear out, look for efficient Energy Star-rated replacements.

For more on creating a green home, and to schedule repairs, maintenance and installations, contact Air Assurance of Broken Arrow.