geothermal systems

Experience the Cost-Efficient Benefits of Geothermal Systems

Experience the Cost-Efficient Benefits of Geothermal Systems

Geothermal systems are energy efficient and can cut heating and cooling costs each time they run. These systems also benefit the larger community by lowering the demand for natural resources, both for fuel and materials. As such, geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) top the list of HVAC equipment that can help reduce energy consumption and durability. In the short term, financial incentives for installing a geothermal system may entitle you to:

Federal Tax Credits. 

A federal tax credit, active until December 31, 2016, lets you claim 30 percent on the cost of the equipment and installation to offset any taxes you owe. If the amount exceeds your liability, you can carry the credit forward into the following year.The GHP must meet the program requirements active at installation to qualify. However, the cost of your ductwork and supplemental heater coils are not included. This credit covers primary and secondary homes, both new and existing. Rental properties are not eligible.

Local Incentives. 

Periodically, local communities and energy providers offer different types of incentives for making home improvements that increase energy efficiency. As you explore the benefits of geothermal systems with your HVAC provider, ask the company representative to discuss the incentives available for your area.

Over time, you'll experience these benefits from a GHP:

Low energy consumption.

Because GHPs use heat stored underground for the heat exchange process, it uses less energy. This is because temperatures underground are more stable, unlike temperatures above ground that have wide swings. Energy Star GHPs can reach nearly 600 percent efficiency, while gas furnaces can only reach 100 percent. In the cooling mode, it uses less energy than central A/C systems because it deposits excess heat from your home underground, where it's much cooler.


GHP loop fields typically carry a 50 year warranty, indoor heat pumps may last 25 years or more with routine maintenance.

The pros at Air Assurance can help learn more about the benefits of geothermal systems. We've been serving Broken Arrow homeowners for more than 30 years

.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “shanesabin/Shutterstock”


Six Reasons Why You Should Consider Using A Geothermal Unit To Heat And Cool Your Home

Six Reasons Why You Should Consider Using A Geothermal Unit To Heat And Cool Your Home

If you are tired of dealing with rising power costs, noisy heating systems and frequent furnace breakdowns, the answer to your problems could be hidden right beneath your feet. By taking advantage of the stable temperatures found just beneath the surface of the earth, geothermal heat pumps provide one of the most reliable, energy efficient heating and cooling solutions.Some of the main benefits of geothermal systems include the following:

  1. Quieter operation. Standard heat pumps and air conditioners rely on noisy outdoor condenser units. Geothermal systems, on the other hand, don't require outdoor units, allowing them to heat and cool your home with far less noise than their traditional counterparts.

  2. Improved energy efficiency. Rather than burning fuel, these systems extract the heat that is found naturally in the ground, making them one of the most energy efficient heating and cooling options available.

  3. Better for the environment. Geothermal heating and cooling systems do not give off greenhouse gases, making them one of the most eco-friendly choices for environmentally conscious homeowners and businesses.

  4. Longer lifespan, less maintenance. These systems have a much longer lifespan than conventional furnaces, heat pumps and air conditioners, meaning that they will need to be replaced less often. Not only that, but because they have very few moving parts, they are also less prone to breakdowns than other types of heating and cooling equipment.

  5. Improved safety. Unlike typical furnaces, geothermal heat pumps don’t give off harmful gases like carbon monoxide, making them a much safer option for you and your loved ones.

  6. Lower power bills. These units consume far less power than traditional heating and cooling methods, making them a good choice for lowering your power costs. In fact, despite their relatively high installation costs, one of these systems can easily pay for itself through energy savings over just a few short years.

If you live in eastern Oklahoma and would like to learn more about how installing one of these systems can save you money and improve the comfort of your home, please contact us at Air Assurance.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!      Photo courtesy ofShutterstock.

Air Conditioning

Realize Big Savings With A Geothermal System

If you live in Broken Arrow, you know that the summer months can get extremely hot and the winters can produce some pretty cold weather. These varying temperatures put your heating and cooling systems to the test, and can often leave you spending too much on your utility bills. Geothermal heat pumps provide a much more effective method of heating and cooling than do standard systems, and can also help you save money.Geothermal heating and cooling units are unlike most heat pumps in that they use the ground to provide your home's heating, air conditioning and hot water. These systems are considered to be 45-75 percent more energy-efficient than standard options. And because of their efficiency, the Federal government offers a 30 percent tax credit to consumers who add new geothermal heat pumps to their homes.The 30 percent tax credit currently being given by the government takes into account the price of the unit, in addition to the price of all of the installation and labor required. This credit is also uncapped, so no matter how large the project, the credit remains 30 percent.  Also, the credit can be rolled over into other years up to 2016.  A geothermal heating and cooling system must meet the Energy Star requirements that are in effect at the time of purchase.While geothermal systems cost more upfront, they will make up for that cost by saving you money in the long run. The experts at Air Assurance are well-trained to provide you with the assistance you need in choosing the correct heat pump for your home. Please contact us today for more information.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.